Process Engine failure issue

The configuration for implementing Embedded forms with spring boot application are done as below:

  1. Added the dependency camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp in the pom.xml
  2. Added the annotation @EnableProcessApplication the main class.
  3. Created src/main/resources/META-INF/processes.xml as empty file.
  4. Created html forms inside src/main/resources/static/forms/FORM_NAME.html
  5. Configured the embedded form to the .bpmn file where formKey as embedded:deployment:FORM_NAME.html

While starting the application server, I got an error org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException:‘Parse processes.xml deployment descriptor files.’:Premature end of file.

What should I do now?

hi @Avaneesh
What Camunda version do you use? I would double-check that the “process.xml” is really empty, just to be sure.

The version for camunda modeler is 4.12.0
I have attached the processes.xml file as well.processes.xml (1 Byte)

The attached “processes.xml” file contains one space symbol inside and this is causing the error.
Open the “processes.xml” with some simple text editor, press Backspace to delete it, and then save it(or select all and then delete).

Yes it worked for me. Thanks for the support.

You are welcome, please mark one of the answers as a solution so the community knows that the question was answered.