I am trying to set a variable on a process instance with the following:
public class FlowExecutionListener implements ExecutionListener {
public void notify(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) throws Exception {
delegateExecution.setVariable("isAwaitingFurtherProcessing", true);
delegateExecution.getProcessInstance().setVariable("isAwaitingFurtherProcessing", true);
I’ve deliberately set it in two places here as I’ve been pulling my hair out at trying to retrieve it again when I query for a process instance:
ProcessInstance processInstances = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceId("process_id").active().singleResult();
After querying for the process instance in question and inspecting it in the debugger, there are no variables set. It is the correct process instance, but I am confused why nothing is being set. Any advice would be welcome.