Random nullpointers

Hello all,

I have a workflow which is instantiated when a message is read from queue, i am instantiating the process definition by runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByMessage(message name, biz Key, vars) inside the onMessage (JMS) of my MessageListener class, the issue I am facing is that when multiple requests are dumped at the same time in the queue, the workflow is instantiated but almost all baring few fail. about 8 out of 10 fail, I would get random nullpointer issue here and there.

The workflow is divided into 5 process definitions with the parent definition calling the child ones through call activity and I am also passing the all the variables in the call activity and returning them back however they may or may not be returned.

I am using the enterprise edition version and have the Camunda 7.7.3 distribution for Weblogic.


Hi Chintan,

You need to provide more details for this, for start at least the stacktrace because the provided information is not sufficient to investigate the issue.
Attaching the process xml is always helpful so we can understand the scenario better.
Also I recommend you to create a support issue if you are using the enterprise edition.

Best regards,

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