React form with Google map in Camunda

Hello, anyone has experience about the React form in Camunda with Google map.
I tried to add a Google map to my React form. However, nothing show up. I saw the google sample, it said that I need to import a Google map React API. Where and how can I add the import unit in Camunda?

function renderReactForm() {
	const container = document.getElementById('reactContainer');
	const e = React.createElement;
	const containerStyle = {
	  width: '400px',
	  height: '400px'

	const center = {
	  lat: -3.745,
	  lng: -38.523
	class MyGOOGLEMAP extends React.Component {
		return e('LoadScript',{googleMapsApiKey: 'Mykey'},
			e('GoogleMap',{mapContainerStyle: containerStyle, center: center, zoom: '10'}),
			e('label', {className: 'control-label', key: 'label'}, 'Map here')