Readiness/Liveness probe für Camunda Run?


I am using camunda-bpm wildfly in kubernetes and would like to switch to camunda run. My deployment does not succeed, because I fail to access the correct readiness and liveness endpoints.

Before I dive into Spring Acutator configs trying to tweak configurations inside the container: are their already endpoints to validate readiness and liveness of camunda run?


Hi @Noordsestern
Generally the engine is up and running if you’re able to send

and get back


Thanks, @Niall . I had tried that… that means I have configuration issue when switching from wildfly to spring boot or with kubernetes setup.

Thank you, that gives me some clue where to look! :+1:

So, finally. I switched from wildfly to spring boot. on wildlfy my readiness probe called the login page, which somehow did not work for spring boot.

The url provided by @Niall works perfectly for liveness and readiness probe:http://<server>:<port>/engine-rest/engine