Is there a way to retrieve comments for a list of tasks? The only thing I could find, which we are using right now, is a call that retrieves all comments for a specific task.
Is there a way to retrieve comments for a list of tasks? The only thing I could find, which we are using right now, is a call that retrieves all comments for a specific task.
Hi @tiberiu,
according to the documentation I think there is no way to get all comments for a list of tasks.
Then how do we achieve it?
Hi @yuvrajkeenoo,
You can implement a custom rest service to retrieve tasks with their comments.
Comments are stored in act_hi_comment
Tasks are stored in act_hi_taskinst
Thanks @hassang
We have been able to achieve it.
We have used the task history rest API to get all tasks ID for a particular process instance. (loop 1)
And then get the comment for each tasks using the rest API. (loop 2)