ReST Integration with Camunda auth provider

Though I’m able to get identity access with my own JAX-RS extension via “@Context SecurityContext”, I’m wanting to tie into (per HttpBasicAuthenticationProvider) so that I can use the built-in user database.

Everything works until I want to access the “@Context SecurityContext” - which ends up “null” (getting a null pointer error). My goal is to fetch the UserPrincipal from the logged in user.


    public String secureEchoGet(@PathParam("hello") String hello, 
            @Context SecurityContext security) {"*** echoget - user : " + security.getUserPrincipal().getName());

I checked Camunda source and noticed no use of “@Context SecurityContext” - however, there are examples of “@Context UriInfo”

I’m guessing that I’ll need to implement a security interceptor. Given that I don’t see any reference to “SecurityInterceptor” in source.

Is this correct?


Hi @garysamuelson,

I am not sure, but I guess that SecurityContext is application server specific part of implementation as JAX-RS jar only defines interface. Which application server are you using?


My server: WildFly v10.x

My goal is to simply use the logged-in-user’s ID/Username inbound from a ReST (JAX-RS) call.

I was able to get “” working (my mistake - forgot to set the parm back “on” during testing):

        <description>turning on resteasy security. Note that this will not work for ejb</description>

WildFly’s built-in auth works (i.e. I’m now just looking for access into Camunda’s existing auth infrastructure.

So, I can use Camunda’s filter:


But, I’m not able to reference and use security annotations - example:


myusergroup is in the Wildfly “” file
mycamgroup is in Camunda’s group table

User’s not in “” aren’t authorized (auth error from ReST ) call. But, those in wildfly group properties are allowed.

    public String secureEchoGet(@PathParam("hello") String hello, 
            @Context SecurityContext security) {      
        String loginName = security.getUserPrincipal().getName();"*** reviewContext - getName: " + loginName);

        // assemble a basic JSON reply and return
        String echoReply = "{\"logged in user\": \"" + loginName + "\"}";

        return echoReply;

NOTE: I’m still working out the kinks… But, the basic question is, do I need a separate interceptor (examples on RedHat… etc)

I’ll leave the question up - but… I think I forgot to add/configure a new realm.

Thanks though.