Dear fellow Camunda users,
I’m in need a of little advice. I’m interested in retrying service tasks when they don’t complete. I’m wondering what ways are possible and are best to resolve this issue?
Consider these two scenarios.
Scenario A:
My service task is supposed to collect some data about an account but is unable to do so. I’d like Camunda to instruct the tasks to try again after 5 seconds, once more after an hour and a last time after 24 hours. Should it fail then I’d like it to terminate the process.
Scenario B:
My service task is supposed to make a mutation in system A. The service task fails and when it does I’d like it to wait 5 seconds and then go back two tasks in my process and follow the normal execution. When it arrives and it still can’t complete I’d like it to go back two after 10 minutes and follow normal execution. The third time I’d like it to terminate the whole process.
Anyone have some advice how to tackle these scenarios and/or some general advice about how to handle retrying in Camunda? Many thanks in advance for any help.
kind regards,