Save event gateway in the same transaction with IntermediateThrowEvent

How to force event subscription to be saved before (or at least in the same time as “call worker message” throw event)

i tried with asynch before “call worker message” but i get situations where the callWorker terminated and the subscription not yet saved to the database.

The ultimate goal is to save the event subscription so i can correlate it when i get the response of the microservice.

the callWorker publish in rabbitMQ for a microservice thanks

related to :

my question in stackoverflow :

thanks for your help

This is a pain point of camunda as a BPMS. I have also had several cases where I got the response before the process has reached the receiving event (and thus established the subscription). Each one had to be solved individually (by modifying the process model and similar).

There are some approaches to handle it, there are several threads here in the forums.

It’s a big problem IMO, and it’s a pity that there is no inbuilt solution for this.

Hmm, in camunda zeebe in message post api method there is Ttl parameter, which defines wait time if event arrives before wait point in bpmn. But in camunda there isnt such params.

Zeebe is based on “messaging” and hence has buffering from the beginning. camunda does not have that.