Scope with specified activity Id Resolve_Event_SubProcess and execution 9e3d1686-1edd-11e9-b490-507b9dc4ed46 not found

Getting below error:

[org.camunda.bpm.engine.context] [logError] @ 156 : ENGINE-16006 BPMN Stack Trace:
	StartEvent_Review (activity-start, ProcessInstance[9e3d1686-1edd-11e9-b490-507b9dc4ed46])
	StartEvent_Review, name=Review
[org.camunda.bpm.engine.context] [logError] @ 156 : ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: ENGINE-20011 Scope with specified activity Id Resolve_Event_SubProcess and execution 9e3d1686-1edd-11e9-b490-507b9dc4ed46 not found 
org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: ENGINE-20011 Scope with specified activity Id Resolve_Event_SubProcess and execution 9e3d1686-1edd-11e9-b490-507b9dc4ed46 not found
	at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.PvmLogger.scopeNotFoundException(
	at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.runtime.PvmExecutionImpl.findExecutionForFlowScope(
	at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.runtime.PvmExecutionImpl.setVariable(
	at com.operative.camunda.listeners.avails.ResolveTimerExecutionListener.notify(

Hey, could you please give us more details, when does this exceptions occur, an example of your process would be helpful as well.

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I was using camunda Rest api to start process instance with process variables.

ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Unknown property used in expression: ${taskResolveDate}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifier 'taskResolveDate'

workflownew.bpmn (9.4 KB)


  "variables": {
    "taskResolveDate" : {
        "value" : "2019-01-24T00:00:000Z",
        "type": "String"

This issue was solved in the post: