Search variables with underscore on Cockpit


We are using Camunda version 7.18.0.

There are some variables starting with T_ that we created in Process.

2023-02-20 10_09_53-Window

Of course, there are other variables that do not start with T_. But when I want to filter only those that contain T_ among all variables, variableName like ?? query cannot find any results.

When I search with another string in VariableName without _ (underscore):

Is it something with the Camunda version we are using?
Are we doing it wrong while creating the query?
Is _ (underscore) a special character when searching on Cockpit, if so how can we escape?

Thank you.

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_ is a special character in SQL ‘like’ query, meaning “any one character”
How to escape it might depend on which database engine you’re using.

Camunda is on MSSQL Server and [\\_] seems to work.
Thank you for your answer @GotnOGuts