Sending a fileValue to a service task using Input variables

I’m trying to utilize the input variable approach for service tasks, and got to a point of passing a file, previously uploaded and being recognized by execution.getVariableTyped('myFileVar') as FileValue.

If I try to set it as Service Task > Input > myFileVar -> ${'myFileVar'} I’m getting it as byte[](java).

Is there a possibility to send it “as is” → FileValue? I require stuff like filename and mimetype, and don’t really like the idea of doing stuff like ((FileValue)execution.getVariableTyped("myFileVar")).getFilename() in the input variable value field.


Hello my dear!

If you pass:
${execution.getVariableTyped('myFileVar', true)}

With “true” on parameter… does not work?

William Robert Alves

Good day to you, sir

I believe I tried that one as well. true is the default option if I remember correctly.