Hi all
I upgraded my Spring Boot Camunda application from 7.14 to 7.15 yesterday. (Spring Boot Version 2.4.5). I’m using the Camunda Java API (not REST)
It’s a very simple process which worked fine until 7.14
I’m adding a variable (JPA Entity) as process variable and the process gets started. Next step in the process is a human task. When I try complete the human task in the Tasklist i receive the following error:
An error happened while submitting the task form : class ch.bfh.ti.vmprovisioner.model.VMOrder cannot be cast to class ch.bfh.ti.vmprovisioner.model.VMOrder (ch.bfh.ti.vmprovisioner.model.VMOrder is in unnamed module of loader ‘app’; ch.bfh.ti.vmprovisioner.model.VMOrder is in unnamed module of loader org.springframework.boot.devtools.restart.classloader.RestartClassLoader @1c20d5d9)
I also tried to add a much simpler variable (POJO which implements Serializable), with the same result.
Sorry, for providing so little (additional) information, as I tried so many things, I’m absolutely clueless.
And as mentionend: Everything worked as expected with 7.14
Also: I’m not sure, if this is the correct category for this question …
Any help is much appreciated!
Kind regards