Service tasks are executed multiple times

Hello All.

Maybe it is the known issue - I have multiple service tasks in process, which are supposed to be called one by one. The issue is, that some of them are called multiple times. To be more presize - I have 3 service tasks, first one is called 1 time, second one is called 3 times, third task is called 2 times(I can see it in debug). Simplified process looks so:

<startEvent id="start"/>

<sequenceFlow sourceRef="start" targetRef="firstServiceTask" />

<serviceTask id="firstServiceTask" name="First Service Task"
             flowable:delegateExpression="${firstJavaDelegateSpringBean}" />

<sequenceFlow sourceRef="firstServiceTask" targetRef="secondServiceTask" />

<serviceTask id="secondServiceTask" name="Second Service Task"

<sequenceFlow sourceRef="secondServiceTask" targetRef="thirdServiceTask"/>

<serviceTask id="thirdServiceTask" name="Schedule Auction Specification Event Action"

<sequenceFlow sourceRef="thirdServiceTask" targetRef="end"/>

<endEvent id="end"/>

Have you ever faced similar behavior? how did you solve it for yourself?

Hi @simonovdenis
this should not happen.
Can you upload the bpmn file with which you have experienced this behaviour?
