Set Assignee does not work for me. This is my code:
Helper helper = new Helper(new Uri(DEFAULT_URL), “demo”, “demo”);
var http = helper.HttpClient(“task/”+ taskID + “/assignee”);
Dictionary<string, object> variables = new Dictionary<string, object>();
variables[“userId”] = “Ralph”;
var request = new CompleteRequest();
request.Variables = Helper.ConvertVariables(variables);
request.BusinessKey = null;
var requestContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }), Encoding.UTF8, Helper.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
var response = http.PostAsync("", requestContent).Result;
That’s because when I call the API : GET task/?processInstanceId=" + processID to fetch the task details after setting the assignee, the assignee is still null in the response.
This is my response after setting the assignee is: