Simplify connector output parameter

I’m going off some code that @StephenOTT shared here

It uses the following format right in the inline script box with a single line to return the data to an output variable.


I’m assuming something has changed in the newer version since this above does not work and returns and error; “Unable to process script: Could not resolve function ‘s’”

In testing, I’ve even tried the below and it does not work with this error; “Expected an operand but found error”.


I’ve even read this article 20 times but still not able to resolve it.

Would someone be able to help?

Thanks again,


This really shouldn’t make a difference, but I’ve always seen the Spin function as S() rather than s()

Try that to see if that changes things.

Also, check to see if this thread solution applies to your case

@GotnOGuts I took a look at the other thread and also tested using S() vs s() and still no results.