Skip issue for instances to progress


I am using camunda community springboot with version 7.17 and I am seeing few instances stuck at particular location for a process. example for one process same location 100 instances are waiting for different business key parameters. I am using skip to progress one instance form that location but all 100 instances are getting progressed from that location. below are the details I am using, please help me where I am doing wrong. Thank you.

only one instance should progress instead of all 100 instances stuck at same location.

URL used is: http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/engine/pom/modification/execute

payload posted is below:
“processDefinitionId” : “PFOEventID:1:c2932f60-c9db-11ed-97dd-005056ba3a6a”,
“instructions”: [
“type”: “startAfterActivity”,
“activityId”: “Event_1jr62re”
“type”: “cancel”,
“activityId”: “Event_1jr62re”,
“cancelCurrentActiveActivityInstances” : true
“processInstanceIds”: [
“processInstanceQuery”: {
“processDefinitionId”: “PFOEventID:1:c2932f60-c9db-11ed-97dd-005056ba3a6a”
“skipCustomListeners”: true,
“annotation”: “Modified to resolve an error.”

(in url pom is the springboot engine name) Thank you in advance.


Hi @venky1982,

the answer to your question is hidden in the docs Process Instance Modification |

Process instances can be selected for modification by either providing a set of process instance IDs or providing a process instance query. It is also possible to specify both, a list of process instance IDs and a query. The process instances to be modified will then be the union of the resulting sets.

Remove the process instance query from your payload if you want to modify just a single instance.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Thank you for the update.
