How to add SpinProcessEnginePlugin programatically.I have a project in scala where i’m trying to initiate the listeners and SpinProcessEnginePlugin at eventbus register as follows:
lazy val initiateEventBus: Unit = {
val eventBus = CamundaReactor.eventBus
eventBus.register(new SpinProcessEnginePlugin)
eventBus.register(new CustomStartExecutionListener)
eventBus.register(new CustomTakeExecutionListener)
eventBus.register(new CustomEndExecutionListener)
eventBus.register(new CreateUserTaskListener)
eventBus.register(new AssignUserTaskListener)
eventBus.register(new CompleteUserTaskListener)
I’m able to execute all listener code but whenn i’m trying to read the json in modeler as
${S(input).prop(“days”).numberValue() == 3}
I’m getting following error:
org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.javax.el.ELException: Could not resolve function ‘S’
Can anyone please help me with this!