Spring Boot executable

I am creating a project using Spring boot and jsf2.2. I want to create an exe file using launch4j maven plugin,
The exe creation is successful using this maven plugin but when I try to open the application welcome page,
it is showing 404 error.
Please help me.

This is way to little information for me to guess … can you provide your example somewhere? Also: jsf and spring are not natural companions. Possible, but not that simple.
Did you try to run a spring-boot/jsf “hello world” sample to make sure your overall setup is working? This is most possibly not related to your use of the camunda extension.

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Yes. I tried my application with spring boot main method and I created a war also. Both works as expected.
But when I try to package it as an ‘exe’, the xhtmls pages show 404 error.

No experience with exe packaging (why would one do that).
Your problem seems not to be related to the camunda spring boot starter, so I guess you will have better chances for support if you try a spring boot forum.