Start again the errored service task after resolving the error

HI all,

I have the requirement to restart the errored service task after resolving the error. i can achieve it using this below code
execution.getProcessEngineServices().getRuntimeService() .createProcessInstanceModification(execution.getProcessInstanceId()) .startBeforeActivity(errorTaskId) .execute();
but i am not able to flow the input which are needed for calling the rest API using webclient. can anyone please have any idea how can i flow all the input parameters to restart the errored activity

i have “Start Error activity” which is going to start the errored activity and will hit the rest call again. but the input parameters are null.

i am attaching my bpmn file and delegate code. Please help me.
exception.bpmn (7.4 KB)
ReturnToFlowAfterError.txt (826 Bytes)
BusinessErrorDelegate.txt (2.5 KB)

Please let me know if you need more details.