Hello Team (@Niall and @jonathan.lukas )
Such a great post, thank you(@Mykhailo ) in advance for your proper reply.
We have found the post according to our requirement.
As you have described, we developed a module via Rest API for starting any kind of process from the External Task Service (in JAVA).It could be call with different parameters (id , processKey , tenentId). So you could call it from your JS source code easily without any extra development.
I have developed SetVariable method for external task some days ago and we could contribute on this module too.
I have developed below source code on External Task project and attached each modification separately.
// public static final String PROCESS_DEFINITION = "/process-definition";
// public static final String TENANT_ID = "/tenant-id";
// public static final String START = "/start";
// public static final String KEY = "/key";
public void startProcess(String id, String processKey, String tenantId, String businessKey, VariableMap variables, String caseInstanceId) throws EngineClientException {
StartProcessRequestDto payload = new StartProcessRequestDto(variables, businessKey, caseInstanceId);
String resourcePath = id != null ? MessageFormat.format("{0}/{1}{2}", PROCESS_DEFINITION, id, START) :
MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}/{2}{3}{4}", PROCESS_DEFINITION, KEY, processKey, tenantId != null ?
MessageFormat.format("{0}/{1}", TENANT_ID, tenantId) : "", START);
String resourceUrl = baseUrl + resourcePath;
engineInteraction.postRequest(resourceUrl, payload, Void.class);
public void startProcess(ExternalTask externalTask, String id, String processKey, String tenantId, VariableMap variables, String caseInstanceId) {
try {
engineClient.startProcess(id, processKey, tenantId, externalTask.getBusinessKey(), variables, caseInstanceId);
} catch (EngineClientException e) {
throw handleException(e, "extending lock", true);
ExternalTaskService.java (interface)
According to below code, we have prepared startProcess definition and write in related interface.
* Start Process
* @param id indicates the identifier for process instance.
* @param processKey indicates the master keys for process instance.
* @param tenantId indicates the identifier for tenant part.
* @param variables provides related variables to the process.
* @param caseInstanceId indicates the identifier for instance of case.
* @throws NotFoundException if the task has been canceled and therefore does not exist anymore
* @throws NotAcquiredException if the task's most recent lock could not be acquired
* @throws ConnectionLostException if the connection could not be established
* @throws ValueMapperException
* <ul>
* <li> if an object cannot be serialized
* <li> if no 'objectTypeName' is provided for non-null value
* <li> if value is of type abstract
* <li> if no suitable serializer could be found
* </ul>
void startProcess(ExternalTask externalTask, String id, String processKey, String tenantId, VariableMap variables, String caseInstanceId);
Then we have main class that will handle requestDto part as below class
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.variable.VariableMap;
public class StartProcessRequestDto {
// no contain workerId
protected VariableMap variables;
protected String businessKey;
protected String caseInstanceId;
public StartProcessRequestDto(VariableMap variables, String businessKey, String caseInstanceId) {
this.variables = variables;
this.businessKey = businessKey;
this.caseInstanceId = caseInstanceId;
public VariableMap getVariables() {
return variables;
public String getBusinessKey() {
return businessKey;
public String getCaseInstanceId() {
return caseInstanceId;
In the end, I prepared a sample test and catch a successful response from the Engine.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Personal Test
ExternalTaskClient client = ExternalTaskClient.create()
.asyncResponseTimeout(10000) // long polling timeout
.handler((externalTask, externalTaskService) -> {
VariableMap variables = new VariableMapImpl();
variables.putValueTyped("aVariable", Variables.stringValue("aNewValue"));
variables.putValueTyped("anotherVariable", Variables.booleanValue(true));
externalTaskService.startProcess(externalTask, null, "aKey", "aTenantId", variables, "aCaseInstanceId");
We could start the proper process with related params from the External Task successfully.
It’s our pleasure if we could contribute to this module too.
Let me know your feedback
Best Regards,
Taha Arian