Hi Everybody…
I’m having some problems trying to start a new app using spring boot and I’m not being able to fix some issues based on documentation/examples.
Before relating my problems, here’s some context:
- I’m creating a new frontend to an already existing Camunda instance (using vuejs, not angular).
- All processes will be preserved (with some minor exceptions)
- I have some extra entities I created using spring-data-jpa but no formal relationship to Camunda’s entities.
- I’ll create new REST services (less generic, more coupled to the business) that will use the Camunda API.
- database was first created on v7.7
I’ve got to create the project but I’m facing some issues:
I have camunda.bpm.database.schema-update=true and it’s creating the entities when I start the application using an empty database, but I just found out a missing field in a table (LOCK_EXP_TIME_) on the migrated database. How could that have happened ? Shouldn’t I expect to have the database always automatically updated ?
I’m getting an error message “Table ‘billing_evt’ already exists” when I start the application. In fact table BILLING_EVT really exists but I’m not comfortable with this messaging is being shown.
I’m not sure how I should work with the authentication/authorization. I’m quite comfortable on delegating the authentication and authorization to the engine (that is, same users and passwords) but I’m not sure how to use it outside Camunda’s services boundaries (like, my own rest services).
I might keep camunda webapps (admin and cockpit) for
I’d appreciate any help or samples…
Thanks !