Swagger UI TLS issue

I am working with a very simple Camunda/Spring-Boot application that is nothing more than using the bare bones project generated by start.camunda.com and making two minor changes.
Using openssl I was able to successfully add my X509 certificate to the java keystore file specified in my application.yaml.
Other than two lines of logging there have been no other Java code changes.
I can access the cockpit, tasklist, admin screens and query the REST API on port 8443 as expected (see images).

I cannot access the swagger ui on port 8443. I get a HTTP 404 error. I can access it on port 8080.

There are no logging entries though when I access the swagger ui on port 8080???


spring.datasource.url: jdbc:h2:file:./camunda-h2-database

  id: grond
  password: demo

    key-store: C:\DevCode\IntelliJ\camunda-swagger-test2\camunda-swagger-test2\src\main\resources\keystore.jks
    key-store-password: changeit
    key-store-type: pkcs12
    key-alias: 1
    key-password: changeit
    #enabled: true
  port: 8443
  forward-headers-strategy: FRAMEWORK

  level.root: DEBUG
  file.name: logs/camunda-bpm-run-log.txt

Please tell me I am missing something obvious.