Task failure retry in Async Parallel tokens scenario?

Had some unexpected behaviour that I am trying to find docs on or possibly a bug?

consider the following:

Assume that the top flow occurs before the end of the bottom flow. All tasks are service tasks with http-connector usage.

The third task in the top flow fails and auto-retries based on camunda defaults. But this seems to cause the bottom flow, specifically the task that the token is positioned at to repeat inline with the failed task. When i corrected the error in the top flow, the repeating task in the bottom flow had stopped occurring. (of course this may be some other error occurring somewhere)

Is this expected behaviour? If so, why?

All tasks are async Before.

Hi Stephen

I would not expect this behaviour. I assume these tasks are calling independent services… Perhaps there is a bug in connector code such that there is shared state somewhere…


Hi Stephen,

What is the error that causes the retry of the second task (i.e. the one you don’t expect to retry)?


It was a HTTP-Connector unable to preform http request (due to missing variables being used in the url).

I am out of office atm. But will create a test bpmn to effort to recreate the scenario when i get back.