TaskList Plugin

Hi ,

I could like to create a task list plugin at navabar.action. I want to include a modal window like the rest of the navabar action does. Is there any example which i can refer to create a modal popup.

Is it possible to add directives here

ViewsProvider.registerDefaultView('tasklist.navbar.action', {
  id: 'complete-plugin',
  label: 'labelname',
  url: 'plugin://complete-plugin/static/app/xxxx.html',
  controller: CompleteTaskController, 
  priority: 800



Any help could be helpful

Hi @Ajr,

here is the guide to writing cockpit plugins https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.6/webapps/cockpit/extend/plugins/

and additionally documentation on tasklist plugins https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.6/webapps/tasklist/tasklist-plugins/

and sample plugin

Does that help you?