Undocumented API usage in the example "task-form-embedded"

The example code for the embedded task form [1] uses the API camForm.on('variables-restored', function() {}); which is not documented in the current docs [2]. What is the difference to the documented ‘variables-fetched’ callback?

[1] https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-examples/blob/e95efc02cdafb10cc023fc58535e5a287f764e6f/usertask/task-form-embedded/src/main/webapp/task-form.html#L13
[2] https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.5/reference/embedded-forms/javascript/lifecycle/

Found old cached reference to it, not sure if it still applies:

If a saved state of the form exists, the variable values are replaced with the saved state.


variables-restored is fired after the saved values of the variables have been merged with the values in the variableManager

Hi Mathias S,
See below link (lifecycle and events are described in details)

It is fired after the saved values of the variables have been merged with the values in the variableManager.

@hassang, would the saved state be when a task is stored in browser local storage ?

Yes @StephenOTT, it is when the task is saved in browser’s local storage

By the way, In case complex datatypes is used in embedded forms then variables-restored should be used instead of variables-fetched to allow saving and restoring the state of the form in local storage

See below link