Good afternoon everyone,
I have been building a project with Camunda 8 for which I have usertasks with two arrows out of them, one to continue to the next and one to go back. In order to naviagte I was trying to use the following usertrask completion api “/v1/user-tasks/{userTaskKey}/completion”.
However, I am continually receing 503 errors such as here:
“type”: “about:blank”,
“title”: “”,
“status”: 503,
“detail”: “Expected to handle REST API request, but request could not be delivered”,
“instance”: “/v1/user-tasks/2251799815994624/completion”
I have not been able to find out why this is happening or if I am missing a crucial part of the camunda setup as I am running the camunda-platform-main docker container which seems to be running fine as shown in the picture below:
I was hoping someone here may see what I’m doing wrong, thanks in advance for taking a look!
According to Complete a task | Camunda 8 Docs
the V1 API end point is complete not completion, but it looks like you’re looking for the UserTask, which is a V2 endpoint
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@Ivar_de_Vries - see the docs linked above … but I also wanted to question the “with two arrows out of them” statement: you cannot have two paths coming out of a task. One arrow needs to come out of the task to a gateway instead.
My mistake I should have been more specific, I indeed have one arrow comming out of a task into a gateway with two arrows sticking out of that. One leading to the previous user task and one to the next.
Ah I see, that is a bit strange though as the endpoint I was using is provided in the swagger ui of tasklist, hence the 8082 port.
I’ll see if I can change it to make it work, thanks for the tip!
@Ivar_de_Vries - it could be a typo in the Swagger docs! I’ll share this with the product team!
Hey @Ivar_de_Vries - I reviewed the Swagger docs, and the correct endpoint is there, but it also includes the user-tasks
endpoints, which I believe are only for internal use and aren’t considered stable for production integrations. You should be using the /v1/tasks/{taskId}/complete
endpoint for this operation, and I’ll open an issue to remove the user-tasks
endpoints from Swagger.
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