Variable is not defined when I pass variable from user task to script task

task-learning.bpmn (5.5 KB)

Hi ,
I am just doing some poc with tasks. I am facing issue with script task. I am passing the variable in user-task stage and I am trying to fetch the variable in script task stage. But I m could not able to do . When I start the process. It is giving below error. Can someone help me on this ?

“Cannot instantiate process definition tasks-learning:6:07f31984-845d-11ec-88bf-0245e2934999: Unable to evaluate script while executing activity ‘script-task’ in the process definition with id ‘tasks-learning:6:07f31984-845d-11ec-88bf-0245e2934999’:ReferenceError: “age” is not defined in at line number 1”

Age is not defined. But I was defined the variable as age in user task stage… right. did I missed anything ?