It is possible that if you have a large number of instances in your DB that the REST call will timeout before it is able to update all of them with the new TTL. If this is the case, your best (only?) option may be to switch to using the “end-time” based strategy to clean up old jobs first, before switching back to “removal-time” based.
Have you tried changing the window from 00:01 - 23:59? Docs show that 00:00 is a default value and I’m not sure that it will recognize that configuration as the following day.
So if I understand, when a process of yours is started, the token will get stuck on the external task because the job executor never picks it up? Can you share your (or .yaml) file as well as your bpm-platform.xml file and the filepath? Have you confirmed it is being copied properly into the Docker container. Also what Database and version are you using? See here for something related Activated JobExecutor, but still not active/working while using MariaDB (Docker)?