Catching an Error Event from a called process

I quickly sketched out the problem here: (I wasn’t able to illustrate the throw error event in the subprocess because of the tool, but pretend there’s some throwing going on there).

Basically I have a few called tasks that can throw an error (using an error end event), which I want to catch any of them at a top-level subprocess with a subprocess boundary event.

The problem is, I can’t reference the catch from the called processes. In other words, when I edit the bpmn for a called process, the error I defined in the upper level bpmn isn’t available.

Is this just a bpmn editor error that can be overcome with hand-editing? Or am I misunderstanding & abusing BPM?

@fernhaven From your description I think you are looking for this:

An error can be handled by the error start event in the event sub process and the same error can be thrown from the event sub process to handle the error on the higher level scope (In the below example, error thrown from the Event Subprocess is handled by the boundary error event in the Subprocess).

Does that description match your scenario?