Which jobType for a c8 connector using connector SDK?

What should be the value for jobType when creating a jobWorker for a connector?

client.newWorker().jobType("???").handler(new ConnectorJobHandler(new MyConnectorFunction()))
.name(connectorName).fetchVariables(“foo”, “bar”).open();


By the way, I am trying this approach: connector-sdk/runtime-job-worker at main · camunda/connector-sdk · GitHub

Hi @victorhugof,

happy to hear that you are trying this out! :+1:

The jobType depends on how you plan to create your tasks in the process. The defined zeebe:taskDefinition in the model defines which jobType your worker needs to subscribe to.

If you plan on providing a Connector template as well, have a look at the documentation. It describes how your frontend (the template) and the backend (the connector runtime) are bound together.

Hope that helps.


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Thanks, @tmetzke . I was blind when reading that section in the doc.

No worries, we’ve all been there. Glad that helped :+1:


Should I expect to see jobType filled when my connector template is as following figure?


In theory, it should, yes.
Can you share your connector template?

Hi, @tmetzke Any updates on this? Should I open an issue?

Hi @victorhugof,

I tried your template locally. As far as I can tell, all is good. The jobType in the flow node metadata is only shown when the task’s job was picked up and is currently executed. Before and after that, this field will be empty.


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Thanks, Tobias!

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