XOR Cached Data with Map

How can I cached data with map and read the values of Map in Camunda

<camunda:outputParameter name=“ResponseMap”>
<camunda:entry key=“key”>$Response</camunda:entry>

how can I read this response Map and preapre for next service request call

please help me

@Abbas_Ulusoy you would save your Map as a Map object as a Process Variable or you could also store your data as JSON (SPIN JSON Object). In the second task you would do a “getVariable()” to get the stored variable.

I want to use this outputparameter by next rest-call inputparameter before I use it, want to prepare my request from this map payload,

My case is it will call a request two times, and I want to cached data by all times and use it by next call

You have to store the data as a process variable.