Unable to load embedded form using spring boot application in embedded tomcat

Hi ,

I am getting error when trying to have an embedded form for a task.
Application details:

  • spring boot application with below camunda dependency for task list and all.
    compile (group: ‘org.camunda.bpm.extension’, name: ‘camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp’, version:‘1.2.0’)

Trying to have an embedded form for a task using bpmn file.
Attaching .bpmn file for the same.

error shown in console : test_diagram.bpmn (7.0 KB)

ContentScript.js:84 Exception in onResRdy: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘htmlRes’ of undefined
http://localhost:8098/samplecamunda/api/admin/auth/user/default Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Hi Amit,

I never encountered such a problem. Your url looks suspicious. Why do you have “samplecamunda” on the path?
