Zeebe Modeler vs Camunda Modeler

I well known about Camunda Modeler.
I want to understand the purpose of Zeebe Modeler. I try to install in local and draw the diagram in Zeebe modeler. But unable to see lot of options like Java Implementation in service Task, User Task etc., .

Want to know what is the real use if we don’t have such option how can I implement Java in Zeebe modeler ?

Hello @vinothkumar ,

the Zeebe Modeler was deprecated in favor of modeling capabilities for Camunda 7 and 8 in the Camunda Modeler.


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Additionally: when you go to model for Camunda 8 (Zeebe) in the Camunda modeler, you will not be able to implement Java in there. Camunda 8 uses the external task worker pattern.

Refer to the documentation at https://docs.camunda.io for more information on how Camunda 8 / Zeebe works.


So the latest Camunda modeler is for both Camunda 7 and 8, but some features there such as listeners can only be used for camunda 7 system, not camunda 8 system? So is there a way for the modeler to restrict user to only use camunda 8 features? Or do you expect the authors to know which features should avoid for camunda 8?

You might be able to use Flags if you have control of the installs.

Hello @carbon_60 ,

each platform has a dedicated modeler:executionPlatform as xml attribute in the root object which is used by the modeler to determine which editor to present.

Also, both platforms use dedicated namespaces each, so platform-specific implementations will not overlap.

That will help you to not mix up properties by accident.


Thanks jonathan for your reply. I now see that when I open desktop modeler and go to File → new file, it presents a popup menu with list of supported platforms.

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