Task Overdue Handler Plugin

Hi all,

I wanted to use the camunda-consulting duedatehandler plugin.
When a job is overdue I want to send a mail to the candidate group for which the task is meant together with some details (=variables) defined in the process.
Problem is that the objects passed in the JobHandler’s execute method are unfamiliar to me.
I would not now where to start to get the task variables or the candidate group.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hi Nico,

the ExecutionEntity class is the process context and you can access everything as in java delegates.

Hope this helps,


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I am currently using the following query to fetch the actual task Id. I am not sure there is a shortcut;

Task overDueTask = execution.getProcessEngineServices().getTaskService().createTaskQuery()

String taskId = overDueTask.getId();