Standalone AngularJS application and REST example

I’m looking simple example about Angular (1.5) application which one uses camunda-bpm-sdk-js dependency and calls bpmn processes over REST services. For example just to retrieve a list of process definitions. And i could not find any documentation about camunda-bpm-sdk-js.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @Erki_Kriks,

you can find information here:


Actually quite straightforward. Only one small note, after installing sdk with bower, i changed also camunda bower.json file to use camunda-bpm-sdk-angular.js (“main”: “camunda-bpm-sdk-angular.js”) instead of camunda-bpm-sdk.js.

Hi @Erki_Kriks,

I am not super strong with bower, but this configuration line “main” is just a name of the file which is going to be the output of the build process as I understand, if you change it to


you will have a conflict with the build setting that we use for release. if you will run

npm install

then you should get camunda-bpm-sdk-angular.js generated in your root folder too.
