[4mRunning "eslint:check" (eslint) task[24m
[4mRunning "less:dev" (less) task[24m
[32m>> [39m1 stylesheet created.
[4mRunning "karma:single" (karma) task[24m
[33m17 07 2017 02:38:46.240:WARN [watcher]: [39mAll files matched by "C:\dmn\dmn-build\01.dmn-js-master\node_modules\chai\chai.js" were excluded or matched by prior matchers.
[32m17 07 2017 02:39:22.270:INFO [framework.browserify]: [39mbundle built
[32m17 07 2017 02:39:22.364:INFO [karma]: [39mKarma v1.7.0 server started at
[32m17 07 2017 02:39:22.364:INFO [launcher]: [39mLaunching browser PhantomJS with unlimited concurrency
[32m17 07 2017 02:39:22.395:INFO [launcher]: [39mStarting browser PhantomJS
[32m17 07 2017 02:39:26.916:INFO [PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0)]: [39mConnected on socket hc32U8XmrjCjM-yyAAAA with id 78719596
[33m17 07 2017 02:39:33.567:WARN [web-server]: [39m404: /font/dmn.svg?88819684
[33m17 07 2017 02:39:33.567:WARN [web-server]: [39m404: /font/dmn.ttf?48901938
[33m17 07 2017 02:39:34.051:WARN [web-server]: [39m404: /font/dmn.svg?48901938
[32m√[39mshould import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould have a button to go to drd on table view
[32m√[39mnot go to table view if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould not have a goto drd button if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould share the same moddle
[32m√[39mshould share definitions
[32m√[39mshould load Table Modeler
[32m√[39mshould use
as default parent
[32m√[39mshould display the table if only one decision is present
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
decisions without DI
[32m√[39mshould create DI when transitioning from a single table
[32m√[39mshould create DI when transitioning from a single literal expression
[32m√[39mshould import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould fix the namespace from "dmn11.xsd" to "dmn.xsd"
[32m√[39mshould have a button to go to drd on table view
[32m√[39mnot go to table view if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould not have a goto drd button if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould share the same moddle
[32m√[39mshould share definitions
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
[32m√[39mshould display the table if only one decision is present
[32m√[39mshould NOT display the table if only one decision is present
[32m√[39mshould return table as the active editor
[32m√[39mshould return table as the active editor
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
[32m√[39mshould export XML
[32m√[39mshould export svg
[32m√[39mshould update the Decision Label
draw - DrdRenderer
[32m√[39mKnowledge Source
[32m√[39mBusiness Knowledge Model
[32m√[39mInput Data
[32m√[39mLiteral Expression
[32m√[39mText Annotation
features - context-pad
remove action rules
[32m√[39mshould add delete action by default
[32m√[39mshould include delete action when rule returns true
[32m√[39mshould NOT include delete action when rule returns false
[32m√[39mshould call rules with [ element ]
[32m√[39mshould include delete action when [ element ] is returned from rule
[32m√[39mshould NOT include delete action when [ ] is returned from rule
available entries
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for Decision
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for InputData
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for KnowledgeSource
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for BusinessKnowledgeModel
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for TextAnnotation
[32m√[39mshould show popup menu in the correct position
[32m√[39mshould not include control if replacement is disallowed
[32m√[39mshould display the definitions name
[32m√[39mshould display the definitions id
[32m√[39mshould apply changes from updated definitions
[32m√[39mshould react to definition name updates
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould be responsive
features - drill-down
default behavior
[32m√[39mshould add drill down overlays
[32m√[39mshould drill down to a decision table
[32m√[39mshould drill down to a literal expression
[32m√[39mshould have the drill-down overlay after deletion of element is undone
no navigation
[32m√[39mshould not drill-down when navigation is disabled
features - keyboard
drd key bindings
[32m√[39mshould include triggers inside editorActions
[32m√[39mshould trigger lasso tool
[32m√[39mshould trigger direct editing
[32m√[39mshould select all elements
features - label-editing
[32m√[39mshould register on dblclick
[32m√[39mshould cancel on
[32m√[39mshould complete on drag start
[32m√[39mshould edit InputData
[32m√[39mshould edit KnowledgeSource
[32m√[39mshould edit BusinessKnowledgeModel
[32m√[39mshould edit Decision
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should edit Text-Annotation"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
features/modeling - create connection
[32m√[39mshould connect
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should undo"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
features/modeling - #removeConnection
shape handling
[32m√[39mshould execute
undo support
[32m√[39mshould undo
redo support
features/modeling - delete elements
shape handling
[32m√[39mshould execute
undo support
[32m√[39mshould undo
redo support
features/modeling - create elements
[32m√[39mshould create a decision
[32m√[39mshould create an input data
[32m√[39mshould create a knowledge source
[32m√[39mshould create a business knowledge model
[32m√[39mshould create a TextAnnotation
features/modeling - layout connection
connection handling
[32m√[39mshould execute
undo support
[32m√[39mshould undo
redo support
[32m√[39mshould redo
features/modeling - move elements
[32m√[39mshould move
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should undo"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould update di waypoints
[32m√[39mshould update di waypoints -> undo
features/modeling - move shape
[32m√[39mshould move
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should handle bendpoints"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
features/modeling - replace connection
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should update target"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould provide DMN modeling palette
features/popup-menu - replace menu provider
replace menu
[32m√[39mshould contain all options except the current one
[32m√[39mshould replace empty decision with decision table
[32m√[39mshould replace empty decision with literal expression
features/replace - drd replace
should replace
[32m√[39mdecision table
[32m√[39mliteral expression
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
should work with text annotations
[32m√[39mshould keep references for associations
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould not allow connecting from or to definitions
features/templates - parseTemplate
[32m√[39mshould translate strings
DRD - Import
[31m×[39m[31mshould crop connections[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
connection types
[31m×[39m[31m"before all" hook for "should crop connections"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
Table - Modeler
[32m√[39mshould import simple process
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple process
[32m√[39mshould create input when loading a table with only an output
[32m√[39mshould create output when loading a table with only an input
[32m√[39mshould create input when loading a table with multiple outputs and no rules
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
[32m√[39mshould provide ids with moddle
[32m√[39mshould populate ids on import
[32m√[39mshould clear ids before re-import
dependency injection
[32m√[39mshould provide self as
[32m√[39mshould allow Diagram#get before import
[32m√[39mshould keep references to services across re-import
[32m√[39mshould close open combobox dropdowns on destruction
Table - Viewer
[32m√[39mshould import simple process
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould import missing id on decision
[32m√[39mshould repair empty id on decision
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple process
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
xml with multiple tables
[32m√[39mshould display the first table by default
[32m√[39mshould expose all contained decision tables
[32m√[39mshould switch between decision tables
[32m√[39mshould persist annotations in the xml
[32m√[39mcreates a drag visual for an empty table
[31m×[39m[31mshould drag column to new place[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould open the context-menu and add a rule
[32m√[39mdisplays the normal date string in advanced mode
[32m√[39mdisplays the normal date string in advanced mode
[32m√[39mdisplays an expression placeholder for an unparsable date
[32m√[39mcreates a date expression for an exact value
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "creates a date expression for a before value"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould create a textarea when executing: add description[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should add a description"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should make registered actions available"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should automatically create an id for a created rule"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should return the default hitPolicy UNIQUE for a new table"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should should show the literal expression editor"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould import expression[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould remove on close[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould synchronize after changing modes[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould persist editing changes .script[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould persist editing changes .expression[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
table interaction
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should set the expression language for a cell"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
drd interaction
[32m√[39mshould update required decisions
[32m√[39mshould update required decisions for authorityRequirements
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should persist the change in the xml"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould open number editor
[31m×[39m[31mshould write number[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould not add anything if input is empty[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould choose "less than" and write number[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould parse existing comparison
[32m√[39mshould switch to range
[32m√[39mshould parse existing range
[32m√[39mshould switch from advanced to simple mode and add an expression
[32m√[39mshould not open dialog when there's an expression
[36m.[39m[36mshould not put quotes when editing table head[39m
[32m√[39mshould fire an event when initializing
[32m√[39mshould fire an event when activating/deactivating
[32m√[39mshould display a button to enter advance mode
[32m√[39mshould have simple mode flag set by default
[32m√[39mshould expose the current state
[32m√[39mshould enter advanced mode per default if set in the configuration
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should have a dropdown for booleans"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould be true
[32m√[39mshould be false
[32m√[39mdisplays the string in advanced mode
[32m√[39mdisplays the string in simple mode if it is parsable
[32m√[39mdisplays an expression placeholder for an unparsable string
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a single value
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a disjunction
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a single negated value
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a negation of multiple values
[32m√[39mallows unsetting a value
[32m√[39mopens the editor popup when clicking on a string cell in simple mode
[32m√[39mhas input values checkboxes when input values are set
[32m√[39mremove a value (roundtrip)
[31m×[39m[31madds a transient value on dialog close[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mdoes not add the same value twice[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould recognize an empty string
[32m√[39mshould recognize a string only containing whitespace
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple string as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a simple string without quotation marks as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould not recognize an expression even if it starts and ends with quotes
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple string with a comma
[32m√[39mshould recognize list with nested commas
[32m√[39mshould not recognize list with nested commas and expressions
[32m√[39mshould recognize list of strings as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a list of strings that contain an expression as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould ignore leading and trailing whitespace
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple negation
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a negation of an expression
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple string with a comma
[32m√[39mshould recognize a negation of a string list
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a negation of a list containing an expression
[32m√[39mshould ignore leading and trailing whitespace
[32m√[39mshould persist added allowed values in the xml
[32m√[39mshould apply a transient change when closing the popover
[32m√[39mshould persist added allowed values in the xml
[32m√[39mshould move row to a new place
large table
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for " should resize when sheet width is lower than the min column width"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
small table
[36m.[39m[36mshould NOT resize when sheet width is higher than the min column width[39m
[36m.[39m[36mshould resize when adding columns that increase the sheet width[39m
[36m.[39m[36mshould reset width when removing columns that increased the sheet width[39m
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0): Executed 221 of 319[31m (29 FAILED)[39m (skipped 4) (6 mins 8.081 secs / 2 mins 42.415 secs)
[31mTOTAL: 29 FAILED, 192 SUCCESS[39m
[31m1) "before each" hook for "should edit Text-Annotation"
[39m[31m features - label-editing
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m2) "before each" hook for "should undo"
[39m[31m features/modeling - create connection
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m3) "before each" hook for "should undo"
[39m[31m features/modeling - move elements shapes
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m4) "before each" hook for "should handle bendpoints"
[39m[31m features/modeling - move shape connections
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m5) "before each" hook for "should update target"
[39m[31m features/modeling - replace connection
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m6) should crop connections
[39m[31m DRD - Import
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m7) "before all" hook for "should crop connections"
[39m[31m DRD - Import connection types
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m8) should drag column to new place
[39m[31m features/column-drag visuals
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m9) "before each" hook for "creates a date expression for a before value"
[39m[31m features/date-edit
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m10) should create a textarea when executing: add description
[39m[31m features/descriptions
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m11) "before each" hook for "should add a description"
[39m[31m features/descriptions
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m12) "before each" hook for "should make registered actions available"
[39m[31m features/editor-actions
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m13) "before each" hook for "should automatically create an id for a created rule"
[39m[31m features/factory
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m14) "before each" hook for "should return the default hitPolicy UNIQUE for a new table"
[39m[31m features/hit-policy
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m15) "before each" hook for "should should show the literal expression editor"
[39m[31m features/literal-expression
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m16) should import expression
[39m[31m features/mappings-row inputVariable
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m17) should remove on close
[39m[31m features/mappings-row inputVariable
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m18) should synchronize after changing modes
[39m[31m features/mappings-row inputVariable
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m19) should persist editing changes .script
[39m[31m features/mappings-row inputVariable
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m20) should persist editing changes .expression
[39m[31m features/mappings-row inputVariable
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m21) "before each" hook for "should set the expression language for a cell"
[39m[31m features/modeling table interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m22) "before each" hook for "should persist the change in the xml"
[39m[31m features/modeling drd interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m23) should write number
[39m[31m features/number-edit integration
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m24) should not add anything if input is empty
[39m[31m features/number-edit integration
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m25) should choose "less than" and write number
[39m[31m features/number-edit integration
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m26) "before each" hook for "should have a dropdown for booleans"
[39m[31m features/simple-mode interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m27) adds a transient value on dialog close
[39m[31m features/string-edit Modeler Interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m28) does not add the same value twice
[39m[31m features/string-edit Modeler Interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m29) "before each" hook for " should resize when sheet width is lower than the min column width"
[39m[31m integration/sheet large table
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[33mWarning: Task "karma:single" failed. Use --force to continue.[39m
[31mAborted due to warnings.[39m
Execution Time (2017-07-17 00:38:25 UTC)
eslint:check 17.5s ■■ 4%
karma:single 6m 56s ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 95%
Total 7m 15.8s
[4mRunning "eslint:check" (eslint) task[24m
[4mRunning "less:dev" (less) task[24m
[32m>> [39m1 stylesheet created.
[4mRunning "karma:single" (karma) task[24m
[33m19 07 2017 05:37:00.794:WARN [watcher]: [39mAll files matched by "C:\dmn\dmn-build\01.dmn-js-master\node_modules\chai\chai.js" were excluded or matched by prior matchers.
[32m19 07 2017 05:38:21.958:INFO [framework.browserify]: [39mbundle built
[32m19 07 2017 05:38:22.067:INFO [karma]: [39mKarma v1.7.0 server started at
[32m19 07 2017 05:38:22.067:INFO [launcher]: [39mLaunching browser PhantomJS with unlimited concurrency
[32m19 07 2017 05:38:22.223:INFO [launcher]: [39mStarting browser PhantomJS
[32m19 07 2017 05:38:27.031:INFO [PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0)]: [39mConnected on socket DSw9VVTZ9F7clH7XAAAA with id 8208062
[33m19 07 2017 05:38:33.331:WARN [web-server]: [39m404: /font/dmn.svg?88819684
[33m19 07 2017 05:38:33.331:WARN [web-server]: [39m404: /font/dmn.ttf?48901938
[31m×[39m[31mshould import simple DRD[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[33m19 07 2017 05:38:33.784:WARN [web-server]: [39m404: /font/dmn.svg?48901938
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould have a button to go to drd on table view
[32m√[39mnot go to table view if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould not have a goto drd button if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould share the same moddle
[32m√[39mshould share definitions
[32m√[39mshould load Table Modeler
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
[32m√[39mshould display the table if only one decision is present
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
decisions without DI
[32m√[39mshould create DI when transitioning from a single table
[32m√[39mshould create DI when transitioning from a single literal expression
[32m√[39mshould import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple DRD
[32m√[39mshould fix the namespace from "dmn11.xsd" to "dmn.xsd"
[32m√[39mshould have a button to go to drd on table view
[32m√[39mnot go to table view if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould not have a goto drd button if interaction is disabled
[32m√[39mshould share the same moddle
[32m√[39mshould share definitions
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
[32m√[39mshould display the table if only one decision is present
[32m√[39mshould NOT display the table if only one decision is present
[32m√[39mshould return table as the active editor
[32m√[39mshould return table as the active editor
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
[32m√[39mshould export XML
[32m√[39mshould export svg
[32m√[39mshould update the Decision Label
draw - DrdRenderer
[32m√[39mKnowledge Source
[32m√[39mBusiness Knowledge Model
[32m√[39mInput Data
[32m√[39mLiteral Expression
[32m√[39mText Annotation
features - context-pad
remove action rules
[32m√[39mshould add delete action by default
[32m√[39mshould include delete action when rule returns true
[32m√[39mshould NOT include delete action when rule returns false
[32m√[39mshould call rules with [ element ]
[32m√[39mshould include delete action when [ element ] is returned from rule
[32m√[39mshould NOT include delete action when [ ] is returned from rule
available entries
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for Decision
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for InputData
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for KnowledgeSource
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for BusinessKnowledgeModel
[32m√[39mshould provide entries for TextAnnotation
[32m√[39mshould show popup menu in the correct position
[32m√[39mshould not include control if replacement is disallowed
[32m√[39mshould display the definitions name
[32m√[39mshould display the definitions id
[32m√[39mshould apply changes from updated definitions
[32m√[39mshould react to definition name updates
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould be responsive
features - drill-down
default behavior
[32m√[39mshould add drill down overlays
[32m√[39mshould drill down to a decision table
[32m√[39mshould drill down to a literal expression
[32m√[39mshould have the drill-down overlay after deletion of element is undone
no navigation
[32m√[39mshould not drill-down when navigation is disabled
features - keyboard
drd key bindings
[32m√[39mshould include triggers inside editorActions
[32m√[39mshould trigger lasso tool
[32m√[39mshould trigger direct editing
[32m√[39mshould select all elements
features - label-editing
[32m√[39mshould register on dblclick
[32m√[39mshould cancel on
[32m√[39mshould complete on drag start
[32m√[39mshould edit InputData
[32m√[39mshould edit KnowledgeSource
[32m√[39mshould edit BusinessKnowledgeModel
[32m√[39mshould edit Decision
[32m√[39mshould edit Text-Annotation
[32m√[39mshould not activate directEditing - Root
[32m√[39mshould not activate directEditing - Connection
features/modeling - create connection
[32m√[39mshould connect
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould use the provided connection type
[32m√[39mshould not contain source and target business object in waypoint data
[32m√[39mshould create an association
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould connect decision to knowledge source
connection types
[32m√[39mshould connect decision to knowledge source
[32m√[39mshould connect business knowledge model to decision
[32m√[39mshould connect knowledge source to decision
[32m√[39mshould connect knowledge source to business knowlege model
[32m√[39mshould connect input data to decision
[32m√[39mshould connect input data to knowledge source
[32m√[39mshould connect input data to text annotation
features/modeling - #removeConnection
shape handling
[32m√[39mshould execute
undo support
[32m√[39mshould undo
redo support
features/modeling - delete elements
shape handling
[32m√[39mshould execute
undo support
[32m√[39mshould undo
redo support
features/modeling - create elements
[32m√[39mshould create a decision
[32m√[39mshould create an input data
[32m√[39mshould create a knowledge source
[32m√[39mshould create a business knowledge model
[32m√[39mshould create a TextAnnotation
features/modeling - layout connection
connection handling
[32m√[39mshould execute
undo support
[32m√[39mshould undo
redo support
[32m√[39mshould redo
features/modeling - move elements
[32m√[39mshould move
[31m×[39m[31mshould undo[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould redo[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould update di waypoints
[32m√[39mshould update di waypoints -> undo
features/modeling - move shape
[32m√[39mshould move
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould handle bendpoints
[32m√[39mshould update requirement
[32m√[39mshould update association
[32m√[39mshould undo requirement update
[32m√[39mshould redo requirement update
features/modeling - replace connection
[32m√[39mshould update target
[32m√[39mshould update source
[32m√[39mshould replace Association with InformationRequirement
[32m√[39mshould replace AuthorityRequirement with Association
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould update the semantic parent on undo
[32m√[39mshould provide DMN modeling palette
features/popup-menu - replace menu provider
replace menu
[32m√[39mshould contain all options except the current one
[32m√[39mshould replace empty decision with decision table
[32m√[39mshould replace empty decision with literal expression
features/replace - drd replace
should replace
[32m√[39mdecision table
[32m√[39mliteral expression
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
should work with text annotations
[32m√[39mshould keep references for associations
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould not allow connecting from or to definitions
features/templates - parseTemplate
[32m√[39mshould translate strings
DRD - Import
[31m×[39m[31mshould crop connections[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
connection types
[31m×[39m[31m"before all" hook for "should crop connections"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
Table - Modeler
[32m√[39mshould import simple process
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould re-import simple process
[32m√[39mshould create input when loading a table with only an output
[32m√[39mshould create output when loading a table with only an input
[32m√[39mshould create input when loading a table with multiple outputs and no rules
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
[32m√[39mshould provide ids with moddle
[32m√[39mshould populate ids on import
[32m√[39mshould clear ids before re-import
dependency injection
[32m√[39mshould provide self as
[32m√[39mshould allow Diagram#get before import
[31m×[39m[31mshould keep references to services across re-import[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould close open combobox dropdowns on destruction
Table - Viewer
[32m√[39mshould import simple process
[32m√[39mshould import empty definitions
[32m√[39mshould import missing id on decision
[32m√[39mshould repair empty id on decision
[31m×[39m[31mshould re-import simple process[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould use as default parent
import events
[32m√[39mshould emit events
xml with multiple tables
[32m√[39mshould display the first table by default
[32m√[39mshould expose all contained decision tables
[32m√[39mshould switch between decision tables
[32m√[39mshould persist annotations in the xml
[32m√[39mcreates a drag visual for an empty table
[31m×[39m[31mshould drag column to new place[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould open the context-menu and add a rule[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mdisplays the normal date string in advanced mode
[32m√[39mdisplays the normal date string in advanced mode
[32m√[39mdisplays an expression placeholder for an unparsable date
[32m√[39mcreates a date expression for an exact value
[32m√[39mcreates a date expression for a before value
[32m√[39mcreates a date expression for an after value
[32m√[39mcreates a date expression for a between value
[32m√[39mallows unsetting a value
[32m√[39mopens the editor popup when clicking on a date cell in simple mode
[31m×[39m[31msets a date expression[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould create a textarea when executing: add description[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould add a description[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould make registered actions available
[32m√[39mshould trigger an action
[32m√[39mshould not trigger non-existing actions
register actions
[32m√[39mshould register a list of actions
[32m√[39mshould register action
[32m√[39mshould throw error on duplicate registration
[32m√[39mshould unregister an action
[32m√[39mshould throw an error on deregisering unregistered
[32m√[39misRegistered -> true
default action
[32m√[39mshould have default actions
[32m√[39mshould add a rule
[32m√[39mshould add rule above selection
[32m√[39mshould add rule below selection
[32m√[39mshould copy a rule
[32m√[39mshould copy rule above selection
[32m√[39mshould copy rule below selection
[32m√[39mshould clear a rule
[32m√[39mshould remove a rule
[32m√[39mshould add a clause
[32m√[39mshould add a clause at the left
[32m√[39mshould add a clause at the right
[32m√[39mshould remove a clause
[32m√[39mshould toggle between modes
[32m√[39mshould automatically create an id for a created rule
[32m√[39mshould use a provided id for a created rule
[32m√[39mshould set up inputExpression $parent when creating a clause
[32m√[39mshould return the default hitPolicy UNIQUE for a new table
[32m√[39mshould render only the first letter of the hitPolicy
[32m√[39mshould render the aggregator for the collect policy as symbol
[32m√[39mshould should show the literal expression editor
[32m√[39mshould render the literal expression text
[32m√[39mshould render variable name and type
[32m√[39mshould render expression language
[32m√[39mshould set the literal expression
[32m√[39mshould get the correct expression language from the input field
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould persist the change in the xml
[32m√[39mshould not persist empty strings
[32m√[39mshould not persist empty strings -> undo
[32m√[39mshould not persist empty strings -> redo
[32m√[39mshould import expression
[31m×[39m[31mshould remove on close[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould synchronize after changing modes
[32m√[39mshould persist editing changes .script
[32m√[39mshould persist editing changes .expression
table interaction
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should set the expression language for a cell"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
drd interaction
[32m√[39mshould update required decisions
[32m√[39mshould update required decisions for authorityRequirements
[32m√[39mshould undo
[32m√[39mshould redo
[32m√[39mshould persist the change in the xml
[32m√[39mshould open number editor
[32m√[39mshould write number
[32m√[39mshould not add anything if input is empty
[32m√[39mshould choose "less than" and write number
[32m√[39mshould parse existing comparison
[31m×[39m[31mshould switch to range[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould parse existing range[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould switch from advanced to simple mode and add an expression
[32m√[39mshould not open dialog when there's an expression
[36m.[39m[36mshould not put quotes when editing table head[39m
[32m√[39mshould fire an event when initializing
[32m√[39mshould fire an event when activating/deactivating
[32m√[39mshould display a button to enter advance mode
[32m√[39mshould have simple mode flag set by default
[32m√[39mshould expose the current state
[32m√[39mshould enter advanced mode per default if set in the configuration
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should have a dropdown for booleans"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould be true
[32m√[39mshould be false
[32m√[39mdisplays the string in advanced mode
[32m√[39mdisplays the string in simple mode if it is parsable
[32m√[39mdisplays an expression placeholder for an unparsable string
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a single value
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a disjunction
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a single negated value
[32m√[39msets the string expression for a negation of multiple values
[32m√[39mallows unsetting a value
[31m×[39m[31mopens the editor popup when clicking on a string cell in simple mode[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "has input values checkboxes when input values are set"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[32m√[39mshould recognize an empty string
[32m√[39mshould recognize a string only containing whitespace
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple string as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a simple string without quotation marks as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould not recognize an expression even if it starts and ends with quotes
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple string with a comma
[32m√[39mshould recognize list with nested commas
[32m√[39mshould not recognize list with nested commas and expressions
[32m√[39mshould recognize list of strings as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a list of strings that contain an expression as disjunction
[32m√[39mshould ignore leading and trailing whitespace
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple negation
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a negation of an expression
[32m√[39mshould recognize a simple string with a comma
[32m√[39mshould recognize a negation of a string list
[32m√[39mshould not recognize a negation of a list containing an expression
[32m√[39mshould ignore leading and trailing whitespace
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for "should persist added allowed values in the xml"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m×[39m[31mshould move row to a new place[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
large table
[31m×[39m[31m"before each" hook for " should resize when sheet width is lower than the min column width"[39m
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
small table
[36m.[39m[36mshould NOT resize when sheet width is higher than the min column width[39m
[36m.[39m[36mshould resize when adding columns that increase the sheet width[39m
[36m.[39m[36mshould reset width when removing columns that increased the sheet width[39m
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0): Executed 286 of 319[31m (22 FAILED)[39m (skipped 4) (6 mins 54.181 secs / 2 mins 14.151 secs)
[31mTOTAL: 22 FAILED, 264 SUCCESS[39m
[31m1) should import simple DRD
[39m[31m Modeler
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m2) should undo
[39m[31m features/modeling - move elements shapes
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m3) should redo
[39m[31m features/modeling - move elements shapes
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m4) should crop connections
[39m[31m DRD - Import
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m5) "before all" hook for "should crop connections"
[39m[31m DRD - Import connection types
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m6) should keep references to services across re-import
[39m[31m Table - Modeler dependency injection
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m7) should re-import simple process
[39m[31m Table - Viewer
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m8) should drag column to new place
[39m[31m features/column-drag visuals
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m9) should open the context-menu and add a rule
[39m[31m features/context-menu
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m10) sets a date expression
[39m[31m features/date-edit Modeler Interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m11) should create a textarea when executing: add description
[39m[31m features/descriptions
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m12) should add a description
[39m[31m features/descriptions
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m13) should remove on close
[39m[31m features/mappings-row inputVariable
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m14) "before each" hook for "should set the expression language for a cell"
[39m[31m features/modeling table interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m15) should switch to range
[39m[31m features/number-edit integration
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m16) should parse existing range
[39m[31m features/number-edit integration
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m17) "before each" hook for "should have a dropdown for booleans"
[39m[31m features/simple-mode interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m18) opens the editor popup when clicking on a string cell in simple mode
[39m[31m features/string-edit Modeler Interaction
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m19) "before each" hook for "has input values checkboxes when input values are set"
[39m[31m features/string-edit
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m20) "before each" hook for "should persist added allowed values in the xml"
[39m[31m features/type-row
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m21) should move row to a new place
[39m[31m integration/row-drag
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[31m22) "before each" hook for " should resize when sheet width is lower than the min column width"
[39m[31m integration/sheet large table
[39m [90mTimeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
[33mWarning: Task "karma:single" failed. Use --force to continue.[39m
[31mAborted due to warnings.[39m
Execution Time (2017-07-19 03:36:02 UTC)
eslint:check 53.2s ■■■■■ 9%
karma:single 8m 31.8s ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 90%
Total 9m 25.6s