401 error while accessing task via tasklist java client

io.camunda.tasklist.generated.invoker.ApiException: searchTasks call failed with: 401 - {“message”:“Full authentication is required to access this resource”}
at io.camunda.tasklist.generated.api.TaskApi.getApiException(TaskApi.java:82)
at io.camunda.tasklist.generated.api.TaskApi.searchTasksWithHttpInfo(TaskApi.java:521)
at io.camunda.tasklist.generated.api.TaskApi.searchTasks(TaskApi.java:499)
at io.camunda.tasklist.CamundaTaskListClient.getTasks(CamundaTaskListClient.java:479)
at io.camunda.tasklist.CamundaTaskListClient.getTasks(CamundaTaskListClient.java:410)

Camunda tasklist bean configuration :

Hi @Koksingh - how do you have the permissions configured for your client in Identity?

@nathan.loding - Started using default configuration , not sure what changes are needed to authorise invocation.

Additionally checked keycloak , seems permissions are present.\

@Koksingh - you are using the client ID zeebe, which, I believe, is the ID of the “Zeebe API” client in your last screenshot. That client likely doesn’t have any permission to access Tasklist, only Zeebe. You can either assign permissions to Tasklist to that client in Identity by editing it from that page, use the Tasklist API client (you would need to edit the client to generate a new ID/secret I think), or create a new client and ensure Tasklist permissions are assigned.

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Hey @nathan.loding do we need to use the zeebeclientId and zeebesecret for configuring in the above case for jwt and identity config ?

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