I am not able to get login page or anything, when I click admin, cockpit, welcome or any think in camunda-welcome/index.html , It give 404 not found error.
Hi @Muhammad_Asad,
could you elaborate on your setup a bit more?
can you access direct links not proxied by your Apache HTTP server?
No @aakhmerov
I have downloaded camunda-bpm-tomcat from website using pache2 ubuntu and unziped it and started camunda using start-camunda.sh command.
I am using camunda-bpm through apache2, so accessing camunda-welcome/index.html through apache http server
Hi @Muhammad_Asad,
I understood that, but can you access it without Apache? is it reachable when you open http://localhost:8080/camunda/app/welcome/default/#/login
I cant acces directly thought http://ip:8080/camunda/app/welcome/default/#/login?
then you should take a look in catalina.out log why tomcat crashed\not started. Can you see any exceptions there?
Problem has been resolved, I have to use apache2 and tomcat connector. Then tomcat work on port 8080 and apache2 on 80
Thanks for support