I am currently working on my own implementation of the Tasklist for my JavaEE processes. I want to show the authenticated user all processes he can start and all tasks that are assigned to him.
The authentication works fine. After a custom login page, I have access to the camunda user (id, firstname, email…) and can show him all his assigned tasks. But I have a problem getting a list of of the deployed processDefinitions.
When I use the following code inside a usertask it works:
private RepositoryService repositoryService;
private List<ProcessDefinition> allProcesses;
public List<ProcessDefinition> getAllProcesses() {
allProcesses =
return allProcesses;
// I added 'includeProcessDefinitionsWithoutTenantId' to make sure I get all processes because none have tenants
//it might also work just to do query().list(). But thats not part of the question ;)
But if I use exactly the same code in my HomePageController, ‘allProcesses’ has no entries.
I think the injection of the RepositoryService worked - it is at least not null. But it seems not to have access to the deployed processes. Do you know what I did wrong? And how can I fix this problem?
(By the way, I also injected the IdentityService and TaskService and both work fine.)
in the same class.
I find this very confusing that the injection of the identityService and TaskService worked but the repositoryService seems to not know anything.
Here is my code:
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.IdentityService;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.RepositoryService;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.TaskService;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.identity.User;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.repository.ProcessDefinition;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.task.Task;
public class StartseiteController implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6909925701157694823L;
private TaskService taskService;
private IdentityService identityService;
private RepositoryService repositoryService;
private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(StartseiteController.class.getName());
private String firstname;
private List<ProcessDefinition> allProcesses;
private List<Task> openTasks;
// does not work. Always returns a list with no entries.
public List<ProcessDefinition> getAllProcesses() {
if (allProcesses == null) {
//startbareProzesse = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery()
// .startableByUser(identityService.getCurrentAuthentication().getUserId()).list();
allProcesses = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery().includeProcessDefinitionsWithoutTenantId().list();
LOGGER.info("allProcesses"+allProcesses.size()); //always logs "0"
return allProcesses;
public List<Task> getOpenTasks() {
if (openTasks == null) {
openTasks = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskAssigneeIn(identityService.getCurrentAuthentication().getUserId()).list();
LOGGER.info("openTasks"+openTasks.size()); //logs the currect number of assigned tasks
return openTasks;
public String getFirstname() {
if(firstname == null) {
User user = identityService.createUserQuery().userId(identityService.getCurrentAuthentication().getUserId()).singleResult();
firstname = user.getFirstName();
return firstname;
And here is a simplified version of the login method of the login.xhtml-Controller: (‘the authentificationController’ gets called by a session-scoped LoginFormController.)
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.IdentityService;
public class AuthentifizierungController {
private IdentityService identityService;
private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AuthentifizierungController.class.getName());
public boolean handleLogin(String nutzerKennung) throws Exception {
if(identityService.getCurrentAuthentication()!=null) {
LOGGER.severe("\n\n Fehler: Es ist derzeit ein Nutzer eingeloggt. \n\n");
throw new Exception("Es ist bereits ein Nutzer eingeloggt");
return true;
public void logout() {
Sorry but I have to return to the topic. I haven’t fixed the problem yet. But I began to
isolate the problem:
It has something to do with the redirection from login.xhtml to startseite.xhtml AND/OR the authenticatedUser as @Ingo_Richtsmeier suggested.
Because when i changed the StartseiteController.class in a way that I can access the startseite.xhtml without the login-step I see all processes, tasks and userInformation of the authenticated user.
Do you know what I am doing wrong? I still don’t get why I can access everything about the autheticated user but not the processes. At least everything should break… not just one part ^^
if i write the same thing in the StartseiteController and enter after starting the server directly in the login.xhtml and authenticate myself there, allProcesses has no entries. Even if I dont use the identityService.getCurrentAuthentication().getUserId() at all in the StartseiteController.