i’m using camunda 7.14.0.

When i use historyTaskQuery.taskHadCandidateGroup("ShopManager").list(), it returns empty list.

Then i find the table act_hi_identitylink is empty, but the table act_ru_identitylink has data.
when use taskservice to complete a task, the log of the sql print no sql insert to act_hi_identitylink.

so what’s the reason? and which api will triger insert to to act_hi_identitylink?

Hi @thinkdoom,

Can you check your history level? If it is not set correctly this could be the cause of the history table you mentioned being empty.


Thank you, solved it!

I have similar issue but in my case ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK is empty but ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK is updated properly for every claim and complete of User Tasks.

Please suggest if anything to check specifically for ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK is not getting updated.

Hi @VenkatRN,

If the above solution for this topic doesn’t solve your issue then it’s probably a different problem. Please create a new topic for this question and include some more detailed information about your setup, this will help us understand where the issue lies.

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