Additional attributes in camunda with opendj LDAP

Here i have followed the instruction to integrate with LDAP. after configure I am able to get following attributes in rest api.

    <property name="userIdAttribute">uid</property>
    <property name="userFirstnameAttribute">cn</property>
    <property name="userLastnameAttribute">sn</property>
    <property name="userEmailAttribute">mail</property>
    <property name="userPasswordAttribute">userpassword</property>

When i tried to access another attribute as following

    <property name="EmployeeIdAttribute">employeeNumber</property>

Then i am getting following error.

Could not find setter for property ‘EmployeeIdAttribute’ on class org.camunda.bpm.identity.impl.ldap.plugin.LdapIdentityProviderPlugin

Please suggest me to add the new attributes.

Hi @somehanu,

did you extend LdapIdentityProviderPlugin by your class? Do you have getter and setter on your LdapIdentityProviderPlugin for EmployeeIdAttribute?


Sorry me didn’t extend Ldap plugin. Based on your suggestion me understood i need to extend ldap plugin. thanks for suggestion.