I have a question about a test I did
I sent 1000 orders to a flow but they were advancing 1 by 1, is there a way to advance them at the same time?
I have a question about a test I did
I sent 1000 orders to a flow but they were advancing 1 by 1, is there a way to advance them at the same time?
Can you upload your model and also explain how you’re starting the process?
Let’s have a screen that generates the customer order and executes an API that receives a json like this: Json.txt (40.4 KB)
The api transforms the json it receives as requested by camunda to be able to read the variables, Send the json to the stream to wake it up with the link: http://localhost:8180/rest/process-definition/key/NAME/start
The problem is that a new instance does not advance until the one that is in process stops at a stage or ends.
testg.bpmn (40.1 KB)
Hi @CRA,
if you check the “Asynchronous Before” box on the start event, the start process API will respond immediately and the process instance will continue in the background.
You can read more about transactions in processes here: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/user-guide/process-engine/transactions-in-processes/
Hope this helps, Ingo