Advices about how to handle Camunda history after update

I worry whether I will use too much data because I changed my history level from none to audit.

If that is important I use Camunda 7.14.

I set TTL on process to be 6 days. Is that enough for cleanup being made or I need to something else all as well so cleanup is successfully done?

Also, what tables should I watch out to be sure that my cleanup works okay?

What if I make database full, how can I clean data so my Camunda app can work?

With regards to database and tables, besides cleanup, what I should have in the mind in order that everything runs ok?

Hello my friend!

Sorry for the delay, I had some personal problems and ended up being away for a while and hadn’t seen your private message, but I’m back again.

If you still haven’t solved your problem (because I saw that no one answered it here), today I answered something here on the forum that might help you with your question.

If you need any more information, don’t hesitate to contact us again.
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

I hope this helps!

William Robert Alves

Hello William!

I stumbled upon this problem History cleanup job gets suspended so feel free to respond if you know the answer.
