After a User Task a DMN Task

Hello, I have a question regarding DMN. I have a user task where the user enters something using a form, which I previously created using JSON. This value is then passed to the DMN task, and based on the value, it determines the next step. How do I make sure that the input from the form flows into the DMN task? It’s not mentioned in the videos. It would be helpful if I could get an example to better understand this. Thank you

The form fields will create process variables. The dmn task will be able to access the process variables…



Thank you. But how do I do it, how exactly should I configure it to take the value of the variable from the User Task as input in DMN?

In your dmn model, you can use an input expression for each input. Just use the name of each process variable you need to access…


Understood. Is there an example that demonstrates this? I’m having trouble understanding

Dmn example…


Thank you, I understand. Would it be possible for you to answer my other questions posted in the forum?