Announcement: Launch of the Idea Portal in Our Marketplace

Hi Camunda users,

Are you searching for an Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB) connector and wondering if it’s already on our roadmap? Curious if one of our partners is planning to develop it?

Introducing the Idea Portal in our Marketplace – your definitive solution!
With the Idea Portal, uncertainty becomes clarity. Here, you can propose and vote on OOTB Connector ideas. It’s not just a feature; it’s a community-driven tool that lets you peek into our prioritized connector backlog. This means you can see what’s being planned and align your strategies accordingly.

Get ready to connect, propose, and influence! We’re excited to see how the Idea Portal fosters stronger collaboration and innovation within our network.

Let’s shape the future of connectivity together!


As always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them below this announcement.