Are groups replaced by roles in Camunda 8?

Hi, I’m really confused, I’m looking for user groups in Camunda 8 for days but can’t find them anywhere. Were they replaced by roles? Can I use the role as candidate group? Shouldn’t it be called candidate role then in the modeler and not candidate group any more? Thanks, any help is appreciated.

I accidentally deleted the post, because the delete button comes right under the … button, so if you double click … you delete your post.

Nobody knows or is the question too stupid because I’m missing something?

Configuring user groups is essential for the whole candidate and claim stuff. And this still seems to exist in Camunda 8.

maybe this topic could help you?

From a brief read-through it seems to me that it’s available via API, but not in the tasklist frontend.

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Thanks, I have seen this too, but here currentUser | Camunda Platform 8 Docs this is the only query returning a User object. I can’t find any user or group query (by id and search query) or mutations to create users/groups or add users to groups etc.

I think I found what they mean in that post: TaskQuery | Camunda Platform 8 Docs . Unfortunately this is not helpful at all. A useful functionality would be to get all claimable tasks or all the tasks a user can see respecting the candidate groups. Otherwise I have to get all groups of a user and then issue a query for every single one of them. Guess I have to stay with Camunda 7 to use this functionality.

Yeah, I agree it’s not the most usable for your scenario.
Hopefully this is somewhere on the roadmap for C8, but it would be great to have it confirmed.

Yes I hope it is coming soon. We could probably use it like this, if the groups in Camunda were hierarchical, unfortunately they still aren’t. So for regional permission hierarchy people with permissions for a continent or country have thousands of groups instead of just one for the regional permission.

Here is all the information I gathered (thanks to eileen):

At the moment candidate groups is just a string (i.e. string array) on the task, so it has nothing to do with the user’s roles. But you can query tasks having a certain candidate group (no one-of functionality, each group has to be requested separately). Candidate groups are returned on the task object.

So the answer is both yes and no: roles are replacing the user groups to handle the permissions in Camunda, but those roles can’t be used as candidate groups.

According to another forum post candidate groups are on the roadmap, however it is unclear when it will be released or if it is improved (we already “have” candidate groups, they are just not useful at the moment).

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