I have an application form and i need to send it for Approval to particular group and i need that the task should not complete till the time all users of that group will say complete . I have given multi instance on my task as 2 but when i send the form for approval each user from the group is able to claim both task , so how to send only one task to one user for approval.?
You want to pass an array of users as a collection and then set the element to “assignee”. It would loop through each item in the array (the users ID) and if using assignee it should be set to them. I did something similar a couple weeks ago for a Call Activity.
what is the way to pass array of users in collection ?. as in screenshot you have passed as ‘people’
For example you use a service task to fetch the list of users from an API or create a list via code/forms. I think you could also use a DMN to do this, but I am still learning that. It just depends on how you want to get the collection.
As a note, I am only a few months into using Camunda, so I am not an expert.
Below is something simple… I used a script task and just set a peoples that is a list.
multi_approve.bpmn (4.1 KB)
is there any way to assign group name instead of individual users in list like you have given peoples = [“mike”,“jim”].? so that I can assign all users who are there in that group.
You could call the Group API and get the list of people in that group. That would be a script/service task to get the list I would think. Then pass that as the collection to the multi-instance task/call activity.
I am sharing my modeler.can you please do the scripting part and revert me back.
actually i am totally new to this.loanApprove.bpmn (3.1 KB)
if you want you can make changes on that modeler as well
Try this… The sub process you were trying to use is non-functional. To call a sub process, you use the expanded sub-process or Call Activity (which is what I used and non-functional things in the Camunda modeler is annoying). Should work, but I didn’t test it, but just made sure it spun off a couple tasks.
I used a script task an created a simple list. You will see I changed some of your form fields also. Like using required and min/max for simple validation.
I have am building my own samples from what I learn and uploading to Github (GitHub - devsetgo/Camunda-BPM-Learning: Project to store what I learn about Camunda and use for future base projects.). I hope to update this once or twice a month depending on how busy I am at work.
I suggest you also go through Awesome Camunda (GitHub - DigitalState/awesome-camunda: a curated list of awesome Camunda BPM projects, libraries, tools, documentations, forum posts, etc.).
Good luck.
loanApprove.bpmn (4.2 KB)
sub_approval.bpmn (2.9 KB)