Assignee field - Current user

I have a UserTask and in the Modeler I set the Assignee field as ${currentUser()}:

   <bpmn:userTask id="Activity_10nkkmp" name="Do something" camunda:asyncAfter="true" camunda:assignee="**${currentUser()}**">
          <camunda:formField id="paramA" label="Value of param A" type="long" defaultValue="8" />

But when I log in as Demo, the task is locked, I have to Claim it.
I thought it would be automatically assigned to the logged-in user.
What do I miss?


Hi @kontrag

It seems there is additional characters in assignee field that you have shared.

it should be : camunda:assignee="${currentUser()}"

it works for me

The ** I put to make it bold.
In my XML it’s

Note that I open Tasklist v7.15.0

Can you share the bpmn model file?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:camunda="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:modeler="" id="Definitions_0z3gys2" targetNamespace="" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="4.11.1" modeler:executionPlatform="Camunda Platform" modeler:executionPlatformVersion="7.15.0">
  <bpmn:collaboration id="Collaboration_1ensf37">
    <bpmn:participant id="Test_Process_" name="Test Process" processRef="Test_Process" />
  <bpmn:process id="Test_Process" name="Test Process" isExecutable="true">
    <bpmn:endEvent id="Event_0l1ojdp" name="Process completed">
    <bpmn:userTask id="Activity_10nkkmp" name="Do something" camunda:asyncAfter="true" camunda:assignee="${currentUser()}">
          <camunda:formField id="paramA" label="Value of param A" type="long" defaultValue="8" />
        <camunda:executionListener delegateExpression="${DBDelegate}" event="end" />
    <bpmn:startEvent id="Event_0ub22fi" name="Process&#10;started" camunda:asyncAfter="true">
    <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1auako9" sourceRef="Event_0ub22fi" targetRef="Activity_10nkkmp" />
    <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0ckgrn4" sourceRef="Activity_10nkkmp" targetRef="Event_0l1ojdp" />
  <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1">
    <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="BPMNPlane_1" bpmnElement="Collaboration_1ensf37">
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Participant_1hk34z4_di" bpmnElement="Test_Process_" isHorizontal="true">
        <dc:Bounds x="160" y="80" width="340" height="210" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0ckgrn4_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0ckgrn4">
        <di:waypoint x="400" y="190" />
        <di:waypoint x="432" y="190" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1auako9_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1auako9">
        <di:waypoint x="258" y="190" />
        <di:waypoint x="300" y="190" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_0l1ojdp_di" bpmnElement="Event_0l1ojdp">
        <dc:Bounds x="432" y="172" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="426" y="208" width="51" height="27" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_19zt9ci_di" bpmnElement="Activity_10nkkmp">
        <dc:Bounds x="300" y="150" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_0ub22fi_di" bpmnElement="Event_0ub22fi">
        <dc:Bounds x="222" y="172" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="219" y="208" width="41" height="27" />

I unchecked “Asynchronous after” from start event and the task is assigned to the current user.