As a User, when viewing multiple tasks aligned to a single client, I want to be able to select all open tasks & allocate these to one individual simply with one click on camunda 8.
Hi @anmolrane1989 !
Are you using Camunda Tasklist or the API to build your own task app?
Product Manager Tasklist
Hi @christian-konrad thanks for the reply , I tried the tasklist but was not able to get solution can you please advice both approach are fine
Hi @anmolrane1989 , the Tasklist UI does not provide this functionality today, it requires to open the detail view of every single task. However, we have a “management view” on the roadmap for the next version, and evaluating batch actions on it.
With the API, you have to call the “assign” operation on every single task in a loop or in parallel. A multi-assign operation is in our backlog, and we might consider at when performance of calling the endpoint many times is not sufficient.
Endpoint: Assign a task | Camunda 8 Docs
Let me know if the API helps!
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